Megaman Lullaby

Increíble hasta donde pueden llegar los papás con sus hijos:

Acá la letra de la canción copiada directamente de Protodude's Rockman Corner

Doctor Light's Son

" Rock my little lab helper
My love for you grows much deeper
I think of you as my son
And marvel as I watch you run

Our world cowers in such fear
As Dr. Wily draws so near
Its time for you to make a stand
You need to save our just land

You must change into Mega Man
So you can kick some major can
Your transformation will complete
The need for you to be leet

Your task is not an easy one
Just stay the course till you have won
Don't you worry, don't you fret
Rush will help you with this threat

Your Mega Buster is sure fun
Dispensing pews on evil scum
The Robot Masters are your foes
Steal their weapons for your woes

The final fight will test your might
The end is now within your sight
When the last rival is a heap
At last it will be time for sleep "


  1. Colli-Sama-Dono-Senpai-Taicho19/7/09 14:04

    xD asi que con esa cancion arrullaban a prisco?? xD
    Ahora lo entiendo todo XD

  2. Una vez más Collí hace su aparición en el blog XD, pero lamento decirte que no me arrullaban con esa canción (pensándolo bien no creo que me hayan arrullado T_T)

  3. A mi nomas me decían que si no me dormía me tiraban a los cocodrilos...


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